5000 Q3000 study-benches for the Polytechnic University of Milan – Bovisa

Practical and functional, characterised by a simple and iconic design, LAMM’s Q3000 study benches are perfectly suited to high-tech environments, such as those of the Polytechnic University of Milan – Bovisa Developed as an industrial zone in the first half of the 20th Century, this district of Milan, Bovisa, was the target of intensive development with … Continue reading "5000 Q3000 study-benches for the Polytechnic University of Milan – Bovisa"

The new Caruso Acoustic website is online

Caruso Acoustic is giving its online presence a makeover with its new website featuring completely updated graphics. The Parma-based company – originated from the lengthy experience acquired by LAMM, a leading name in the manufacturing industry for over 60 years – is aiming to strengthen its brand image and identity with a new platform that … Continue reading "The new Caruso Acoustic website is online"

Customised L213 Armchairs for the Austerlitz Auditorium in Paris

Superior technical performance, comfort, design and attention to detail are not the only features that distinguish LAMM’s products: the option of modifying series products to specific needs attests to the company’s ability to customise any project The major issue of urban regeneration, a global priority in development policies, has engaged architects, local administrators, associations … Continue reading "Customised L213 Armchairs for the Austerlitz Auditorium in Paris"

Happy holidays and a good start of the year 2019

LAMM wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a good start of the year 2019. Offices will be closed from 22 December 2018 to 6 January 2019 inclusive.

E4000 study bench for the IRA in Lyon

The prestigious French institutes for the high-level training of Public Administration staff gets a new look, and has entrusted the fit-out of its new conference hall to LAMM. The IRA – Institut Régional d’Administration de Lyon is one of the five French regional administration institutes (together with Lille, Bastia, Metz and Nantes) that takes … Continue reading "E4000 study bench for the IRA in Lyon"

Custom armchairs by LAMM for the Zaryadye Concert Hall in Moscow, Russia

LAMM has recently supplied the 400-seat concert hall inside the Zaryadye Park in Moscow with custom armchairs. This is a further confirmation of the company’s ability to meet specific project requirements with partially or fully customised solutions. Designed by the architects Diller Scorfidio + Renfro, Citymakers and Hargreaves Associates, the Zaryadye Park is the first … Continue reading "Custom armchairs by LAMM for the Zaryadye Concert Hall in Moscow, Russia"

LAMM products at Office Connection – São Paulo, Brazil

LAMM, in collaboration with its partner “Plura” for the Brazilian market, will be at Office Connection in São Paulo (Brazil) from the next 28th to 30th August. This event is one of the most important exhibitions of interior and corporate design. Dates: 28th – 30th August 2018 Opening/closing time: 10 – 20 Location: São … Continue reading "LAMM products at Office Connection – São Paulo, Brazil"

Custom study benches for the new ENS headquarters in Paris designed by Renzo Piano Building Workshop

LAMM confirms its high design ability in the field of projects for the educational sector, winning the supply of custom furnishings for the prestigious École Normale Supérieure of Paris-Saclay Located in the hinterland southwest of Paris, the new complex of the École Normale Supérieure in Cachan (ENS), a high-level education and research centre, is in … Continue reading "Custom study benches for the new ENS headquarters in Paris designed by Renzo Piano Building Workshop"