The E5000 study benches for the University of Nîmes in the Ancient Citadel commissioned by the Sun King

A total of 606 seats were supplied for three amphitheatre-style classrooms on the historic site of the University. Originally, it was a fort built by King Louis XIV to control the city of Nîmes, a stronghold of regional Protestantism. It later became a place of detention for political prisoners during the years of the … Continue reading "The E5000 study benches for the University of Nîmes in the Ancient Citadel commissioned by the Sun King"

LAMM obtains Gender Equality Certification

LAMM is pleased to announce that it has obtained the Gender Equality Certification according to UNI/PdR 125:2022. This important recognition attests to the company’s concrete commitment to promoting gender equality and equal opportunities within the organisation. This achievement reflects LAMM’s dedication to enhancing the skills of all its people, creating an inclusive and respectful … Continue reading "LAMM obtains Gender Equality Certification"

Complete set-up for the auditorium of the leading company in the field of electrical supplies Sacchi SpA

LAMM and Caruso Acoustic products shape the comfortable “corporate” auditorium in the advanced logistics centre of Desio (MB) In Desio (MB), within the immense highly automated logistics hub of Sacchi SpA, the largest distributor in Northern Italy of products and solutions for electrical and technological systems, industrial automation, and energy transition, the sophisticated ‘corporate’ … Continue reading "Complete set-up for the auditorium of the leading company in the field of electrical supplies Sacchi SpA"

LAMM renews its partnership with FSC® Italia

LAMM renews its partnership with FSC® Italia, the national body that promotes responsible forest management according to the rigorous FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) standards, a brand that is widespread throughout the country, with over 2500 certified companies and consolidated consumer recognition. A common project, increasingly shared by all players in the supply chain, aimed at … Continue reading "LAMM renews its partnership with FSC® Italia"

E5000 study desks with new ‘soft-close’ closing mechanism at LIUC – Carlo Cattaneo University

In the classroom as in the cinema: maximum comfort with L213 seats for the first rows and bench seats with oversized padding Incessant research and innovation applied to the products: the new E5000 – Orlandini Design study desks are equipped with a folding table with soft-close mechanism that makes its debut in the 300-plus-seat … Continue reading "E5000 study desks with new ‘soft-close’ closing mechanism at LIUC – Carlo Cattaneo University"

Divina armchairs for the Sup Alta campus on the Croix-Rousse hill in Lyon

In the silk industry district with its slopes listed on the Unesco heritage list, a large campus for more than 700 students is born from the collaboration of three important institutions On the hill of the Croix-Rousse, Lyon’s silk industry district that is now a vibrant arts centre, the beautiful 19th-century buildings and the … Continue reading "Divina armchairs for the Sup Alta campus on the Croix-Rousse hill in Lyon"

LAMM obtains the Legality Rating

LAMM is pleased to announce the recent award of the prestigious Legality Rating from the Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM – Italian Competition Authority) . This recognition attests to the company’s constant commitment to maintaining high standards of legality and transparent, ethical and virtuous business management. This important milestone is in … Continue reading "LAMM obtains the Legality Rating"

New LAMM Magazine 2025 – Educational edition

A new, versatile and comprehensive tool dedicated to the world of education: a complete overview of the new products and projects concerning auditoriums, schools, universities, and more. LAMM is pleased to present the new Magazine 2025 – Educational edition, a tool designed to share in a versatile and comprehensive manner the latest product and … Continue reading "New LAMM Magazine 2025 – Educational edition"