LAMM takes part in FSC® Forest Week 2024

LAMM, partner of FSC® Italy, renews its commitment to sustainability by taking part in the FSC® Forest Week (September 21-27, 2024), an annual campaign that raises awareness about sustainable forestry, highlighting the Forest Stewardship Council’s® (FSC®) work and forest stewards’ role in fighting climate change and biodiversity loss.


This year’s campaign is based on the theme “The small steps that create big change” a way to highlight how small everyday actions help promote big changes.


LAMM’s contribution to this important initiative reconfirms the company’s focus on sustainability, which over time has led it to obtaining various certifications and recognitions – UNI EN ISO 14001, FSC® Chain of Custody, EMAS – and to complete the LEED® mapping, thus officially entering the GREENiTOP® “green community”.


A concrete commitment towards the promotion of a culture aimed at safeguarding the forests of our Planet, as well as the livelihoods of those who depend on them.