LAMM renews its partnership with FSC® Italia

LAMM renews its partnership with FSC® Italia, the national body that promotes responsible forest management according to the rigorous FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) standards, a brand that is widespread throughout the country, with over 2500 certified companies and consolidated consumer recognition. A common project, increasingly shared by all players in the supply chain, aimed at supporting and promoting a culture of respect and environmental protection for the generations of today and tomorrow.
This concrete and long-lasting collaboration adds to the numerous certifications and recognitions already held by the company, testifying to its continuous commitment to excellence and sustainability. These include: UNI EN ISO 9001, which guarantees the quality of the management system; UNI EN ISO 14001, which certifies attention to environmental management; EMAS Registration, which certifies excellence in environmental and sustainable management; and GREENiTOP®, which officially includes the company in the “green community” following the conclusion of LEED®mapping.